111 This file is not recognized as a FlashPix file, or it is already in use.
113 There is not enough memory to import the file you selected. Close other applications to free up memory or select a lower resolution image. Then try again.
4001 mix fpx
4002 Kodak / Microsoft / HP FlashPix
4003 128
4004 Yes
4005 Yes
4021 0
4022 0,0,0
4023 0,0,0
4024 0,0,0
4025 128, 128, 2
4026 0,0,0
32769 rundll32
32770 Microsoft Picture It! Picture
32771 NIF Viewing Operation
32772 Composition Operation
32773 Microsoft NIF Viewing Operation
32774 Microsoft Composition Operation
32775 Microsoft Corp.
32776 Microsoft Corporation\nOne Microsoft Way\nRedmond, WA 98052-6399
32777 Error in program %s. Please contact your vendor.
32778 Out of Memory.\nYour system is running short of memory.\nPlease close some other applications.